About Us

young men handyman

The main purpose of this business is to help teenagers develop character and work skills while being mentored by older adults. These things happen as we work or as I like to say, through the work. Talking about life, sports, God, and many other topics is natural and easy as we work, drive, get supplies, and eat lunch together. The main service that we provide is handyman work. It really is a pleasure for us to get jobs done and do them with excellence. In my experience there is unlimited demand for handyman services, so I don’t really look at my business as being in competition with other handyman companies. Plus, as stated above, my main goals are most likely different than most handyman companies. I have not received any complaints from customers about the teenagers, but I also understand that there are many other good companies and you may choose them rather than us because of your situation or desires. If you think our company would be a good fit for you and your needs, we would love to have you contact us.

Another extremely fun opportunity that I lead and organize are Summer Work Intensives. These are week-long events for groups of 3-4 teenagers and are designed to be a combination of work and fun based on the interests of the teenagers. Click here for more details about our summer intensives.

I cannot take credit for any of these ideas or plans, because I never intended to start a business. In the past I was never really interested in business or had much experience in business. But God had a plan. As you will learn through this website or through personal interaction with me, my passion is to share the love of Jesus with people. I love talking with people about anything and helping people in many different ways. I am thankful that many of the things that I care about are combined into one through this business. Here are some more of the details about how everything got started.